Word for the day: " Forget those things which are behind"

Philippians 3:13 (KJV) Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before"One problem we face as human beings is the malfunctioning of the memory. Too often we remember what we should be forgetting, and we forgot what we should remember! God says, “Your sins and your iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). Yet many of us go through life condemned and hindered with the memory of sins God has already forgotten. Have you ever or do you still experience this spiritual problem?The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, “forgetting those things which are behind” in today’s devotion, and yet still today so many people I meet are still chained to the failures and mistakes of the past. Today I encourage you to ask God to give you a poor memory when it comes to the mistakes of the past that God has already forgiven, buried, and forgotten. Just take away the lessons learned from your mistakes and go forward in the grace of God. Especially in relationships where death has separated you, abuse has occurred, marital trust broken, parental hurt has left you broken, or maybe you have been the one who has caused the despair. For certain this is painful stuff folks, but we have to learn how to move forward with our lives and now is the time.For some reason, we forget the mercies and blessings of the past; and for that reason, we get discouraged in the present and this hinders our future in God and in all our relationships with family, friends, fellowships and even our enemies. Remember this today no matter how good or bad things are in this hour, God has taken care of you up to this time, and God will never forsake you! The enemy of your soul wants you to think that God doesn’t care, or that God has forsaken you. Somehow we have the idea that when life is easy God is with us and when life is hard, God has forsaken us, and just the opposite might be true. Even when our faith wavers, God will remain faithful, and His Word makes this promise.Today’s devotion is especially for those mourning the loss of loved ones, relationship break ups and failures, single parents, single men and women, early pregnancy sisters, children with abandonment issues and those who are aspiring a relationship with God, even those who have loss their way! Have a great day and I love you all...Elder Baker


Word for the day: " Watering Others"


Word for the day: "Glorious Expectation"