Word for the day: "Glorious Expectation"
Romans 8:18 (NKJV) For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.Excitement and feelings are often substituted by many for Faith in God. Pleasurable emotions and deep satisfying experiences are part of the Christian life, but they are not all of it. Trials, conflicts, battles and testing lie along the way, and are not to be counted as misfortunes, but rather as part of our necessary discipline. Is there anyone reading today’s word going through a difficult time right now in your life? There is a Glorious expectation on the horizon and it won’t be long now!In all these varying experiences we are to reckon on Christ as dwelling in the heart, regardless of our feelings if we are walking obediently before Him. Here is where many get into trouble; they try to walk by feeling rather than by faith. Clearly, as I live my life in God some days are extremely difficult to make it through. However, every tough time or time of suffering has in some way or another expressed the Glory of God through my life.There is a distinction between the fact of God's presence, and the emotion part of our lives which is a viable fact. It is a transforming moment when the soul seems desolate and deserted, if our faith can say, “The just shall live by faith” (Hebrews 10:38). I endure this time of suffering and testing as a necessary element of my faith in God. We then wait with an earnest expectation for God to show His glory that could never be compared to our time our suffering when it is all said and done. I promise you this day “There is Glorious Expectation” coming your way not many days hence.Elder Baker