Word for the day: "Don't worry be happy"

Matthew 6:28 (NIV) “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?Sisters and brother’s, it’s hard to build character necessary for life in this day and age when we’re worrying about everything in sight. But because life is sometimes difficult, and because we have understandable fears about the uncertainty of the future, we still manage to worry over the countless details of everyday life. We may worry about our relationships, our finances, our health, our habits, or any number of potential problems, some large and some small. Worrying can be debilitating and that’s all there is to it.If you’re a “worrier” by nature, it’s probably time to reorient the way that you think! Perhaps you have formed the unfortunate habit of focusing too intently on negative aspects of life while spending too little time counting your blessings. If so, take your worries to God, and leave them there. When you do, you’ll learn to worry a little less and to trust God a little more, and that’s as it should be because God has already provided all that we need. It’s time to let God set us free from bondage and imprisonments of worrying.As this week comes to an end my union contract at my job is being negotiated and right now as of today, it is strongly believed that we will be on strike come Monday morning. Well whatever happens in all of this, I guess I’ll have to walk the talk when it comes to not worrying? Have a great weekend, “Don’t worry be happy” Blessing and peace.Elder Baker


Word for the day: "Come out of the strong hold"


Word for the day: "God is not finished with me yet"