Word for the day: “It’s time to recast the vision.”

John (NKJV) 20:21-22 (NKJV) “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you'”.


Today’s message is for those who need a life and leadership push and for you to get back to the assignment God has on life. Perhaps today’s message provides the push you need; make sure you pass the push and encourage forward to those in your sphere of influence.


Have you ever entrusted someone to carry on an assignment only to have them fail miserably? What was your response? Leaders often shame others to help them realize the gravity of their failure. When Jesus was crucified, many of the disciples fled. Peter denied Jesus three times (Matthew 26:69-75). Peter, at this moment, was a leader without followers. Jesus has now come back to life and recast the vision needed.

How Jesus handles this reunion among those who have totally abandoned Him and the mission is imperative for our lives and leadership.


Today’s reading shares the Heart of Leadership (John 20:21-22). What an incredible greeting, after all, they had experienced. Please notice Jesus didn’t use shame or harsh words. Just a reaffirmation of the assignment and His commitment to them. Jesus used grace and total acceptance to motivate His followers to accomplish the mission.

Jesus shows us it was time to relaunch the vision with new passion and commitment. When an organization fails, revitalizing the team is more important than focusing on the past. Emotionally intelligent people distance themselves from their mistakes but do so without forgetting them. They keep their mistakes at a safe distance yet still handy enough to refer to, moving them in such a way that they can adapt and adjust for future success.

  It takes refined self-awareness to walk this tightrope between dwelling and remembering. Jesus relaunches his plan and vision by not allowing the disciples to dwell too long on their mistakes. This leadership empowerment addresses the issue of failure while not completely forgetting about it, which makes you better able not to repeat it.

The key to balance lies in your ability to transform failures into “pearls” of improvement. This creates the tendency to get right back up every time you fall down. Jesus handles this critical time in this way (Mark 16:7).


Do you need to rally your team around the assignment that has been derailed, failed, or gotten off track? Begin by affirming those under your leadership. Be at peace and send them forth “Time to Recast the Vision”.

  • Is it time to continue the assignment, mission, or purpose you started and stopped?

  • Is it time to remove the excuses that have plagued you?

  • Successful leaders fall and get back up!

  • Do you realize people are counting on you?

  • How are you going to solve the problem you are facing?

  Your answers to the above questions will help launch you and your team to the next dimension.

Special thanks!

Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) James Baker, Jr. and our leadership team are especially thankful for those of you who provided financial donations and support in November 2024, by partnering with us in efforts to advance the kingdom of God in this 21st century season: Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. David and Annette Straker, Mr. Kenneth Washington, Ms. Itholear Abbott,  Mrs. Barbara Mason,  Ms. Michelle Winder Branch, Ms. Brenda Spoach, Ms. Angie Scraders-Murphy, Mr. Calvin Jackson,  Mr. William Jones, Mr. William Buchanan, Mr. William Wilson, Mrs. Angela Harrison,  Mrs. Lola Moore, Ms. Rita McGuffin and Ms. Gertrude Scott.

Grace and Truth Leadership. Why don’t you take the opportunity to write to us on our blog and let us know how we are doing in serving you.

We are a faith-based, donor-supported ministry. If you have been touched by these daily devotionals and would like to make a monthly pledge or a special gift of any amount, please use the DONATE link below to give as the Lord leads.

Follow me on Twitter @James Baker_jr as I endeavor to encourage and empower leaders of today and tomorrow!

Kingdom Blessings,


Word for the day: “Leaders get to work in collaboration with the Lord.”


Word for the day: “Relationships matter.”