Word for the day “God has extraordinary plans for your life” 

Luke 1:38 (NKJV) “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.

Beloved leaders,

I bring you good news in this Advent season and some leadership insights from the life of Mary, the beloved Mother of Jesus. The good news is the Lord has extraordinary plans for your life.

When the Lord was about to do something profoundly extraordinary, it required a face-to-face meeting with the subject, Mary, and his messenger angel, Gabriel. What God was about to do was so unusual that it needed a detailed explanation. Mary had been handpicked to give birth to Jesus our Lord.

Can you imagine? However, to do so she was going to be pregnant while yet unmarried, something totally blasphemous in her culture.

In fact, women were stoned to death if found to have had pre-marital sex. So, when Mary heard the assignment and responded by saying, “May it be,” this tells us what a courageous woman of faith she must have been. Mary is the kind of woman now being recognized in our world: A leader, Matriarch, committed to family, trailblazer, and God-fearing.

We learn from Mary’s life experience that the extraordinary of God, requires at times an extraordinary trust in God.

Mary did not fully understand the implications of what she was about to do. However, she placed her total trust in God, and knew that if God chose her for such an assignment, she could trust the outcome to the Lord. She would even have to trust the explanation to Joseph, who was not going to fully understand.

In fact, when Joseph discovered Mary was pregnant, he immediately considered walking away from Mary. When you believe in the Lord’s promises for your life, you will do amazing things in your life. However, God sent the same angel Gabriel to explain the situation through a dream when God saw Joseph's response. Please notice in the life of Joseph how most of the time the Lord meets us where we are in our faith.

  The Lord is always working behind the scenes of our lives for his divine purposes.

 I am sure the time between Mary telling Joseph, and his dream must have been difficult for both of them. She did not know how God was going to solve the problem. This is another example of her faith and courage in the Lord. Something powerful happens when we trust God enough to hear and believe what He says. If you believe what God says is true and His plan for you will lead to the best possible outcome, that trust results in blessings.

  • As we draw closer to Christmas, think about the incredible result of Mary’s belief: The Son of God was born! What has God spoken over your life that you need to believe today?

  • Trust the Lord’s plan, receive His peace knowing He knows best, and look forward to the blessings in the days ahead!

  Point to ponder

 1.     Do you have an assignment from God that seems impossible on the front end of your life?

 2.     Is it possible that the Lord is calling you to trust Him for an extraordinary outcome and for fulfilling his purposes?

 3.     Take a lesson from Mary and release the outcome to God.

  Special thanks!

James Baker, Jr. and our leadership team are especially thankful for those of you who provided financial donations and support in the month of December 2022 by partnering with us in efforts to advance the kingdom of God in this 21st-century season: Special thanks to Ms. Annette Straker, Mr. Kenneth Washington, Ms. Itholear Abbott,  Mrs. Barbara Mason, Ms. Jeanette Grant,   Ms. Angela Battle, Ms. Cynthia Artis-Waiters, Ms. Michelle Winder Branch, Ms. Angie Scraders-Murphy, Mr. Calvin Jackson,  Mrs. Shakeema Lowe, Mr. Calvin Griffith, Mrs. Angela Harrison, Ms. Shawna Chester, Ms. Jennifer Sanchez, Mr. William Wilson, Ms. Regina Denson, and Ms. Gertrude Scott.

Thank you for using the word cup devotionals brought to you through Grace and Truth Leadership. Why don’t you take the opportunity to write to us on our blog and let us know how we are doing in serving you.

We are a faith-based, donor-supported ministry. If you have been touched by these daily devotionals and would like to make a monthly pledge or a special gift of any amount, please use the DONATE link to give as the Lord leads.

Follow me on Twitter @James Baker_jr as I endeavor to encourage and empower leaders of today and tomorrow!

Kingdom Blessings,




Word for the day “Merry Christ-mas to you and yours”


Word for the day “God has not forgotten you”