Word for the day "God's record is good"
Psalm 143:4 (NIV) So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed. 5 I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.David does something in (Psalm 143:5) that is very wise. When confronted with the trials and stressful situations of life, he goes back to what the Lord had done in the past. He remembers the days of old, to the miraculous parting of the Red Sea, to the provision of manna in the wilderness, to the spectacle of Mount Sinai, to the destruction of Jericho, and to the valley of Elah where Goliath fell.Why did David remember all of these past works? Because when we remind ourselves of what God has done, it fills us with confidence in what He will do. Let that sink into your hearts and minds family of God. Let it be a truth the Holy Spirit fuses into your heart. However you want to understand it, know this!Our God has done great and mighty things! And we need to remember what the Lord has done in the past as we are all faced with challenges in the present. Nothing fuels our confidence in God’s ability to handle the unknown like looking at the Lord’s track record. His history works for us by showing us time and again that our God is able to protect and provide for His people—whether it’s the Red Sea, Jericho, or the greatest work of all, the Calvary’s Cross.Point to ponder- So what are you facing today? What trial or situation looms over you like a Goliath (I Samuel 17-18)? Remember how God handled Goliath and how the Lord has proven over and over how faithful and able He is. Don’t mentally wipe the slate clean. There’s a history of what the Lord has done that’s in your favor, so recall it, remember it, and receive it!Prayer: God of great wonders, we look at all that you’ve done and determine that Your past faithfulness deserves our present trust. Keep us ever-mindful of Your mighty works! In Christ name, Amen.