Word for the day "Encouraging Influence"

Acts 4:36 (NLT) For instance, there was Joseph, the one the apostles nicknamed Barnabas (which means “Son of Encouragement”). He was from the tribe of Levi and came from the island of Cyprus.One special gift my dad instilled in me was confidence. My dad the late James Baker, Sr., convinced me to pursue my interests and develop my talents, and be the best man I could be in life. When at times I would fail in my efforts, he was there encouraging me to pick up the pieces and keep moving ahead. (If anyone knew my Mom the late Ambassador Baker, they would say she was Anointed by God to Encourage all people, but many didn't know my Dad was a great encourager too.)The message that plays in my mind to this day is: “Son, I’m proud of you, and love you.” In fact, I can’t remember ever leaving him when he didn’t tell me how proud of me he was of me. He would even have a certain smile on his face when he looked at me that told me, he was proud of me.Looking back, I hadn’t done a whole lot to be proud of. Yet he piled on his affirmation anyway. Today having finally accomplished a few things I believe he would’ve been proud of me, it saddens me that he isn’t here to see them. But, I’m certain he would have been proud, thank God. Sometimes you can mess up in life, but you always remember those people who stuck with you; kept believing in you and didn't put you down. They just kept on telling you "get back up and keep fighting", like my Dad! There are some of us who didn't have someone like my Dad to encourage them. Please allow me today to encourage you whoever you are "to get back up and keep fighting"Point to ponder: Is there someone you can affirm more often than you do? A child? A spouse? A parent? A co-worker? A friend? A girl friend or boy friend? Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a positive influence. Have a great day blessings and love always.


Word for the day "God is Sufficient"


Word for the day "God is Reliable"