Word for the day "God is Reliable"

I Peter 5:6-7 (NASB) Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.I wonder does the stress of these tough times threaten to overwhelm you. If so, you must rely not only upon your own self or resources but upon the promises of your Father in heaven.God is an endless source of support and courage for those of us who call upon Him. When we are weary, He gives us strength. When we see no hope, God reminds us of His promises. When we grieve, God wipes away our tears. Whatever the problem in our life, God will be with you!God will hold your hand and walk with you every day of your life if you let Him. So even if this time in your life is difficult, trust God. His love is eternal and His goodness endures forever. “God is reliable”, so have a great day.Quote: E. Stanley Jones “Faith is not merely you holding on to God—it is God holding on to you”Prayer: Dear Lord God, whatever “it” is, You can handle it! We will turn to You when we are tried and troubled. You are our loving Father, and we will put our trust in You, today and for the rest of our life. In Christ name, Amen!


Word for the day "Encouraging Influence"


Word for the day "It's God's Idea"