Word for the day: "The way's of the Lord"
Isaiah 55:8-9 (KJV) “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”The ways of the Lord works in the lives of His own, more often than not is beyond our comprehension. Sisters and brothers how the Lord is moving in your life these days probably does not seem to make sense. But anyone who’s had a personal encounter with God understands that these apparent paradoxes come together in the way the Lord has planned for our lives. It Might not make immediate sense but we will understand it better by and by!It can be a great mistake to think we know God’s mind, God’s will, or God’s intentions. In fact, to fear God is, in part, to recognize that His ways are not our ways. For certain, God has revealed Himself to us in Jesus, and He revealed Himself in how Jesus moved and worked through the lives and stories recorded in the Bible.But the Lord hasn’t revealed Himself exhaustively. The Lord hasn’t ceased to work in mysterious ways in the lives of His children that’s me and you. And that’s why we surrender to the Lord’s way for our lives. The Lord’s greater than we can think or imagine and will work in strange ways; ways we can’t even think of or imagine. But God way’s, will, and plan are without a doubt better than ours. Have a tremendous day surrendering to the ways of the Lord for your life!