Word for the day: "It was good to be afflicted"
Psalm 119:71 (NKJV) It is good for me that I have been afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes.A life of shattered dreams and constant defeat can be a painful experience but the Lord has made it good for many of us, if we really take a close look. He has taught me not to put any inappropriate confidence in myself or any man. The Lord has taught me how to wait on His appointed time for the purposes ordained for my life. Are there any witnesses reading today’s message? Well it’s not a coincidence, this is a message from the Lord for your life right now!I have learned and I am learning how to follow the Lord’s leading; keeping in step with His Spirit, living on every Word that proceeds from HIS mouth. Putting my full confidence in Him and trusting the Lord’s Ways are right. I must confess it’s not easy but it is necessary. Have you or are you going through a time of great affliction? Let me help you, hang on in there it’s all going to work for your good (Romans 8:28).There is no sweeter counsel than the Lord’s. There is not sweeter place than in God. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding(Proverbs 3:5-6), because you will not be disappointed nor will you be put to shame. Don’t you worry about a thing everything will be alright and it won’t be long now! Love you all with the love of God!