Word for the day "The Brook of Cherith"
I Kings 17:1 (GNT) A prophet named Elijah, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to King Ahab, “In the name of the Lord, the living God of Israel, whom I serve, I tell you that there will be no dew or rain for the next two or three years until I say so.”2 Then the Lord said to Elijah, 3 “Leave this place and go east and hide yourself near Cherith Brook, east of the Jordan.About three-quarters of the way into the Book of First Kings, an interesting individual named Elijah suddenly shows up. He’s a powerful prophet who delivers a hard message to the King of Israel, Ahab: “There will be no rain for three years.” This message created problems for Elijah the Prophet because it was a hard message. As people of God I thought I’d let you know sometimes the Lord sends a hard message our way!Then, as suddenly as he shows up, Elijah leaves. By God’s direction, he hides away in a desolate place by the "Brook of Cherith". And it’s there, as he’s all alone in this solitary spot, that God makes a special provision for him: “And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there. “So he went and did according to the word of the LORD, for he went and stayed by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook (1 Kings 17:4-6).Each morning and evening, a flock of ravens would bring Elijah bread and meat to sustain him! We can safely put this in the “miracle” category for obvious reasons. But there’s also a powerful principle for us to uncover here. It was when Elijah was alone, away from the cities and resources of other people, that he witnessed God’s miraculous provision. Is it time for you to be alone with God?Sometimes, the Lord will call us to our own "Brook of Cherith". He’ll lead us to a place where we have no one to rely on but Him. Why? Because it’s then and there that His miraculous provision can be fully revealed to us. And when it is revealed, when we are sustained by the proverbial ravens, our trust in Him takes on a whole new dimension! I am in this place now in my life, and the Lord is providing for sure. Have a great day!