Word for the day "God will Supply"
Philippians 4:19 (HCSB) And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.About five seconds outside our Mother’s womb, we all discover that this life isn't easy. And it seems that the older we get the tougher it becomes. Some people have problems or are attracted to difficulties like making choices we later regret more times than we should. Others make it through life with relatively little difficulty.But most likely, you'll face some tough times in life, and it's not important how your challenges stack up to the challenges of others. Sometimes you might wonder if you are going to be able to make it through, and you will if you hold onto God. He's promised to see you through (Hebrews 13:5).Are you weighed down? Do you feel overcome with grief or alone in your struggle?You can choose to take steps to walk through your challenges and come through them a stronger person. I see this time in your life as an opportunity for God to show Himself mighty and strong. In fact, V19 God promises to Supply all our needs according to His riches in Glory.Remember, believing in Jesus Christ doesn't mean you won't have problems. But it does mean you have resources, people, and God's Spirit who will see you through your problems. What could be better? Just some food for thought if this time is difficult or you experience some difficult times in the days ahead! “God will Supply” don’t you worry about a thing.