Word for the day "Watch yourselves"
Joshua 6:18-19 (MSG) “As for you, watch yourselves in the city under holy curse. Be careful that you don’t covet anything in it and take something that’s cursed, endangering the camp of Israel with the curse and making trouble for everyone. All silver and gold, all vessels of bronze and iron are holy to GOD. Put them in GOD’s treasury.”Do you realize that the vast majority of American homes are inhabited by a dangerous monster? We all have to face this truth it’s a genuine concern. In fact, most homes now have several Family rooms, bedrooms, and basements are their favorite spots.The older, larger, ones sometimes have four legs; and some of the younger ones hang on walls. Have you figured it out yet? I’m talking about your televisions. And make no mistake about it: they are dangerous monsters. I am writing from experience, and we all must confront this significant reality.Like many things in life, your television isn’t inherently bad. It has the potential to provide education and entertainment. The problem is, for most of us, the television has transcended all proper and constructive boundaries in our homes and lives. Consequently, our conversations, our meals, our study time, our attention spans, our sleep, and even our sex lives have been invaded by this household danger. We need to put the dangerous monster in the proper context for our children, family, and relationships! Have a great day and hope you all our recovering from these tough storms!