Word for the day "Harden not your Heart"
Hebrews 3:15 (KJV) While it is said, Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.The proverbial freedom rights leader Frederick Douglas was separated from his mother as an infant. He was forced to work as a slave in the hot fields all day long. He was kicked, beaten, and whipped by his master on regular basis. A few times he almost died as result of these severe beatings. We will never understand why this was the path his life took.Despite these harsh conditions, Douglas had second thoughts about escaping to freedom. In his personal narrative he wrote: “I had a number of warm-hearted friends in Baltimore friends that I loved almost as I did my life and the thought of being separated from them forever was painful beyond expression.” Have you ever had to make some painful choices in life?It’s difficult when life makes you choose between freedom, people or the things you love. But it’s a decision that we all face at one point or another in our lifetime. And it’s a decision that will determine the state of your heart and life for years to come, not only for you but for your family, and friends as well. True freedom comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ. What’s stopping you from making this major decision? Christ desires to be in an intimate relationship with you today, love you all!