Word for the day: "Endure the times of Trials"

Hebrews 10:32 (NIV) Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering.Without a doubt we all can recall times of passing through the waters and going through the fire of tests and furnace like trials. And if you are anything like me, you have the scars and wounds to prove it. The overwhelming part of it all is as those times return, and in this life many times they do. We must trust the Lord that the waters will not overtakes us, and the fires will not consume us. What are we supposed to do when these times return?We must always remember that just as the Lord was faithful and gracious to bring us out before, the same Lord will bring us out again. It has occurred to me that at these times of test and trial literally creates a space for the Lord to do a work deep within our hearts. The Lord in His miraculous way establishes and provides for each of us, a sense of fortitude which enables us to handle the impossibilities of our circumstances. The Lord empowers us with just enough endurance to make it through the tough days, months, and sometimes years of overwhelming trials. Jeremiah the prophet said it best “It is because of the Lord mercies that we are not consumed” (Lamentations 3:22).I have come to the realization and have stopped looking for the elusive idea of happiness in a person, place, or thing. My reality has been as long as I am in the will of God happiness will find me. As I walk in the will of God the lenses I view my experiences have been transformed just a little bit now. My eyes look at my faith in God and are beginning to see regularly beyond my present, predictable, and powerless situations. The Lord is not only bringing me through these trial times, but opening before me a whole new world of possibilities and solutions for my life. It is my earnest prayer that someone reading today’s word is encouraged to endure the test of trials.Elder Baker


Word for the day: "Get up"


Word for the day: "Who is Jesus"