Word for the day: "Criticism"

Hebrews 10:24 (HCSB) And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works, 25 not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.Today’s word from the Lord deals with criticism. I have discovered in my life that there are two common types of criticism called constructive and destructive. Who amongst us enjoys criticism? I know I don’t! In fact, even when criticism is constructive, it’s usually for me about as welcomed as thinking about going to work on Sunday night before Monday morning, just not cool.But there’s something even worse than criticism: and that’s critical people. We all know people like this. You know who I’m talking about; that person who meets every plan with some version of “That’s impossible!” It’s that person who challenges your enthusiasm or conviction to tackle a big project with all the reasons you shouldn’t go for it instead of why you should. Critical people have to be dealt with wisely and criticism of any kind must be handled with even more wisdom.But remember: nearly every advance, discovery, or act of courage is precipitated by criticism. There’s really only one sure way to avoid it: by doing nothing. And what kind of choice is that, especially for people of faith in God. If you expect and can accept being praised you must be willing to be criticized and that’s just the plain old fashion truth.Constructive Criticism as an evaluative or corrective exercise which can occur in any area of human life. Criticism can therefore take many different forms. How exactly people go about criticizing, can vary a great deal. In specific areas of human endeavor, constructive criticism can be highly specialized and technical; it often requires professional knowledge to understand this form of criticism. In essence some forms of criticism can be understood as encouragement as in today's scripture reading.Critical thinking clarifies goals, examines assumptions, discerns hidden values, evaluates evidence, accomplishes actions, and assesses conclusions. “Critical” as used in the expression “critical thinking” connotes the importance or centrality of the thinking to an issue, question or problem of concern. “Critical” in this context does not mean “disapproval” or “negative.” There are many positive and useful uses of critical or criticism, for example formulating a workable solution to a complex personal problem, deliberating as a group about what course of action to take on a matter or problem.The point of today's insight and information is to understand that not all criticism or critical thinking is negative and the need to for us to know the differences in our life, have a blessed day. Today's message is especially for parents, children, teachers, leaders, leaders in the making, students, friendships, families, mentors, and mentee relationships.Elder Baker 


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