Word for the day "Lingering in God's presence"
Luke 18: 7 (NIV) And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?As this week begins I just wanted to say, those 8,500 people who are employed by Con Edison have resumed working again by the power of God and the prayers of the righteous. I have again discovered that a Christ like perspective would not be such a foreign thing if our prayer lives were intensified. We are many times miserable and frustrated because we simply do not pray enough. As we consider today’s scripture reading there is a divine connection between God’s chosen and our times in prayer.Time spent with God will bring great abundance to our lives. When we are devoted to God in our personal quiet times, we will be devoted and blessed by God in our public lives. Lingering in God’s presence is essentially the most powerful and profound spiritual commitment that we can make to our God. Sisters and brother’s let me simply encourage you to do what your life needs and that which develops a more increasing relationship between you and God.Hasty prayers are often without results. Lingering in God’s presence instructs us, and brings victory to our lives. We are taught by it, and the greatest victories are often the results of great waiting; waiting until words and plans are exhausted. Silent and patient waiting gains the reward, recompense, and ultimate crown of life.Prayer: Father God, We desire to linger in Your presence, in a perpetual and pleasing way. We want to cry out to you day and night so as to know You until our souls are satisfied. Please guide us, In Jesus name, Amen.Elder Baker