Word for the day: "Valley of Baca"

Psalm 84:6-7 (NKJV) As they pass through the Valley of Baca, (BAH-kuh) they make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools. 7 They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion.There is a spiritual law in the Kingdom of God. Every true leader in the kingdom will pass through the Valley of Baca. Baca means “to weep”. It is derived from the Hebrew word “bakah”, meaning “to weep; generally to bemoan.” I am in that season now in my walk with God, and it comes with the territory if you plan on walking  with God.However, Baca is also a place of springs. There is nothing better on a hot day when you are thirsty and weary than to drink water from a mountain spring. It refreshes, it renews, and it revives you with a second wind to continue on your journey. Those who commit to serving God will experience the Valley of Baca at one time or another. But in the midst of Baca they will discover that in this valley they will also drink from a special spring that refreshes with a different kind of living water. (I thank God for this word today)Baca becomes the source of “secret things in hidden places” reserved only for those willing to journey on the great passage way with God. Once you drink from this spring you will be energized in your spirit man from strength to strength. It is handmade just for you by God. But please be mindful; it will be used to provide a refreshing drink for others you will encounter who are also on this journey with God.There is something to be said about Baca because it leads you to the presence of God. Yes something special about being in a place with God that results in our weeping and crying out to God. Are you in that place today? If so ask God to give you a drink from the handmade spring only available to those in the Valley of Baca. Have a fantastic day!Elder Baker


Word for the day: "Sound in the Mulberry Tree"


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