Word for the day: "His Unchanging Hand"
Hebrews 13:7-8 (NIV) 7) Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.With change comes fear, insecurity, sorrow, stress. So what should we do today? Hideaway? Take no risks for fear of failing? Give no love for fear of losing? Some people just opt out and hold back and remain in unchanged positions. I have discovered a better idea is to look up to the one and only North Star of the universe and see God. Although life has a way changing on us, He never changes. Today’s word makes it cogently clear in the unwavering permanence of God (V8) Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever more!!!Consider His strength as unending according to the Apostle Paul, God’s power lasts forever (Romans 1:20). His strength never diminishes like yours and mine will and has. Our energy ebbs and flows more than we care to admit? You can’t run as fast when you are sixty as you did when you were twenty; just a fact of life. Now Daniel calls Him “the living God, enduring forever” (Daniel 6:26 ESV). Just think for a moment; God never pauses to eat or asks the angels to cover Him while He rests. His strength just remains the same always without end.I recommend if you need a strong hand to hold, you can always find one in His. If you need an unchanging truth to depend and trust; His truth never changes and His word for your life will not return without accomplishing that which He purposed for your life. God will always hate sin, but will always loves the sinner, despise the proud and exalt the humble at heart. Please note no one else will. Lovers will call you today and scorn you tomorrow. Can I get a witness? But the good news is God will always be the same in your life.In preparing for this word, as many of you know, I am just in the midst of mourning the loss of my beloved “Grandma” and ministry leader (V7). The truth of the matter is yes I am hurting and will surely miss seeing her face, holding her hand and kissing her face. But the comfort I have today is in the “Unchanging hand of God”! My beloved Grandma Is now in the permanent hands of our God and to me this is just beyond human utterances. So yes another change becomes an opportunity for God to say (as the old R&B song says) “Didn’t I blow your mind this time”? What changes are you facing?Think about it –cemeteries interrupt the finest of families, retirement finds the best employees, age catches up to the best of us, the end of relationships are inevitable! But for the people of God with changes comes the reassuring appreciation of the permanence of our God. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore!Prayer-Father, we your children thank you for the permanence of your character. It is in you that we live move and have our being; our confidence now has escalated to another dimension because of the dependability that emanates from you and you alone. In Jesus name Amen.Elder Baker