Word for the day “Where the Lord leads”

Psalm 5:8 (BSB) Lead me, O LORD, in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make straight Your way before me.

In this season of my life, I’ve discovered more than any other time in my life that God will lead me when I don't know which way to go. 

God will bless me beyond the limitations of my fears and God's love for me and for you is endless. In fact, we here at Grace and Truth Leadership believe the Lord is and will do the same for you. In this painful time where almost anything goes, we need to be anchored to the standards and values of the Lord. I’m holding on to the Lord, with everything I have. How are you doing?

My heart sentiments are the words of the Hymnal “Where he leads me”:

I can hear my Savior calling,
"Take thy cross and follow, follow Me."
Where He leads me, I will follow,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.
I’ll go with Him through the waters,
I'll go with Him through the garden,
I’ll go with Him to dark Calvary,
He will give me grace and glory,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way”.

If you have ever felt God's love save you from the depths of despair, then you know God's power is real.  You know God's power is true. So, as a result of God’s power being real, I’ve decided to follow Him where he leads me.

 Point to ponder

5 ways to follow the Lord honorably:

  • Be in prayer. A way to know that you are following God’s plan for your life is by being in prayer. Take time each day to devote yourself to the Lord and the plans He has for your life.

  •  Be actively reading in the Word. It is one thing to go to church on Sunday and hear the pastor’s sermon and another when you take time each day to devote to being in God’s word.

  •  Follow the commands He puts on your heart. Allow God to guide your steps and trust the dreams He puts on your heart. Believe that He will qualify you and know that if there is a dream that He has placed upon your heart, He will help you achieve it, and He will be glorified in the process.

  •  Seek godly relationships. It’s a lot easier to follow God’s plans and act in ways that honor him.

  • Trust the process you are in your life at this time.

 Special thanks!

 James Baker, Jr. and our leadership team are especially thankful for those of you who provided financial donations and support in the month of November 2021, by partnering with us in efforts to advance the kingdom of God in this 21st century season: Special thanks to Ms. Annette Straker, Mr. Kenneth Washington,  Ms. Mable Bazemore, Ms. Itholear Abbott,  Mrs. Barbara Mason, Ms. Jeanette Grant, Ms. Judith Battle, Ms. Angela Battle, Ms. Rita Mcguffin, Pastor and Mrs. Raymond Phillips, Ms. Cynthia Artis-Waiters, Ms. Angie Scraders-Murphy, Mr. Calvin Jackson,  Mrs. Shakeema Lowe, Mr. Calvin Griffith, Mrs. Angela Harrison, Ms. Kersha Brown, Mr. William Wilson, Ms. Darlene Simmons, Ms. Evelyn Rosado, and Ms. Gertrude Scott.

 Thank you for using the word cup devotionals brought to you through Grace and Truth Leadership. Why don’t you take the opportunity to write to us on our blog and let us know how we are doing in serving you.

We are a faith-based, donor-supported ministry. If you have been touched by these daily devotionals and would like to make a monthly pledge or a special gift of any amount, please use the donate link HERE to give as the Lord leads.

 Follow me on Twitter @James Baker_jr as I endeavor to encourage and empower leaders of today and tomorrow!

Kingdom Blessings,



Word for the day “Breaking News”


Word for the day “Happy Thanksgiving Season”