Word for the day “We are leaders who believe in prayer”

Luke 18:1 (NKJV) Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.


 I pray that you and your loved ones are doing well. In times of crisis and uncertainty, we can be blindsided by life’s crisis.

 However, God is never blind-sided by life’s crisis. God is aware of this unprecedented and nefarious time, the challenges in our country, the world, and will use it to glorify Himself.

One way we want to make sure that every member of your family is being spiritually strengthened is through our time of leadership development and prayer every Tuesday evening at @8:30 Est-9 pm.

The Zoom Prayer Call

Meeting ID: 875 0580 5835

Passcode: 6683845

Dial in: 1-646-558-8656

*It will ask for a meeting ID and passcode, enter the same above.

Please share the information and invite someone to join us.

Every Tuesday evening Est @8:30-9 pm, will be a time of leadership sharing and special prayer lifted up for all who would like to take their life and leadership to the “Next Dimension” so as to add value to yourself and others in your sphere of influence.

 QUOTE: “You must know yourself to grow yourself”

#John Maxwell

  Thank you for your faithful partnering with us and your online giving. If you haven’t had an opportunity to give, you can do so by clicking on the donate button below.

 More importantly, please know that I am praying for you! Not just your physical well-being, but emotionally, spiritually, and also financially (III John 1:2).

  My desire is that you, your entire family would come out of this season of your life more united to God and one another!


Word for the day “Leaders lead themselves first”


Word for the day “Things are going to get better”