Word for the day "Vision for 2021"


It's the New Year 2021, we finally were able to say goodbye to one of the most challenging years ever, now we can step out into a hopeful today and tomorrow.Like every New Year, there's no way to predict what this year will bring, but we can remain hopeful that no matter what comes our way - we can always stay one step ahead and keep pushing towards the amazing things God has in store for each of us.It's okay if you're feeling apprehensive about being optimistic right now. It’s only normal that so many are.But if you needed a reminder right now, here it is:We want you to start this New Year off with three powerful truths to remember as we advance in the days ahead.

  1. Remember that God loves you.

You've overcome the obstacles of 2020 and you've kept pushing even when it felt impossible. It's God’s love that has launched forward.The amazing theologian St. Augustine says “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us”God’s Love is Agape: Unconditional love for another person, sacrificial, that seeks the good and well-being of others. It’s a love that looks outward. It can be personal, impersonal, communal, or individual. God says love never fails (I Corinthians 13:8). And you have people in your life who love and value you as well.

  1. Remember that God is with you.

Many of the circumstances that have happened in our lifetimes and recently are meant not to define you but to refine you. In fact, we can almost get a glimpse of the greatness or the great way God wants to use us by the intensity of the attacks we experience. God is with you and will perfect that which concerns you (Psalm 138:8).You matter, you're valuable and this world needs YOU. You have something to share and give and be excited about. And most importantly God is with you through whatever may come your way.

  1. Remember that God is for you.

You've come a long way in life and you're continuing to learn and grow. As long as you keep pushing towards your goals, your future successes - you are capable of anything. All of this is possible because God is for you.No one wants the best for you more than God, God has plans for you, and they are plans for your good (Jeremiah 29:11). I have discovered when you are facing adversity in your life, it’s one thing to know God loves, another thing to know God is with you, but nothing compares to knowing that God is for you (Romans 8:31).We hope this New Year brings you optimism and continued growth, belief in yourself and abilities, and the strength and resoluteness to achieve your purpose, potential, and plans God has destined for you.Here's to remembering what’s most important in 2021!!!The Grace and Truth Leadership Team.


Word for the day "Here's to New Beginnings 2021"


Word for the day "Happy New Year, God knows best"