Corona Virus (COVID-19)
Dear Subscriber,
I have given my life as a servant leader in ministry and the marketplace for two decades by the grace of the Lord.
I thought it was difficult when I first started working in the marketplace dealing with racial challenges and dealing with rejection on a regular basis.
Learning how to survive as a young black man without a mentor or the help I needed was painful, to say the least.
I was on my own and had succumbed to some bad decisions in life. Drugs, divorced and lost identity infiltrated my life without any mercy.
Ten years later I embraced the Lord in my life in a true and personal way.
I remember clearly hurting so bad personally feeling guilt, shame, low self-esteem, rejection and telling myself that this was not the end.
I often burst into tears and felt foolish. I asked God to help me so that I would never put myself or my family through that again.
God has made the difference in my life, and now I have the privilege and honor to serve others through crisis and life.
Fast forward another 30 years and we are in unprecedented times. It is developing rapidly and it is unsettling for us all as the COVID-19 virus spreads around the world.
You will have had a hundred communications from ministries and marketplace companies with which you have had dealings and we are all saying the same thing.
This terrible event has in a special way connected us all together.
If there is good to come out of this, it is that we must all work together and be strong together. I believe God to bring our world, families, communities, churches, businesses, through it all.
When the world's anxiety levels feel this overwhelming, we know how hard it is to focus on work, ministry, and day to day life.
But we here at Grace and Truth Leadership are steadfast to share God’s love at this unprecedented time.
Let us not be overtaken by panic or fear but be guided by faith in God and our need for the Savior of the world Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:23).
We can make history and make a difference in the face of a global pandemic. Feel free to join us every Tuesday evening @8:30 PM for Prayer and empowerment
Dial- in (605) 475-3250, access code 114847#
Remember to keep Safe. Wash your hands and stay home if you are able to, but definitely if you are sick. Follow the CDC recommendations of social distancing in your workplaces, churches, and social gatherings.
We will do and we are doing whatever it takes to assist people and also, more importantly, the elderly and vulnerable in our society.
Grace and Peace,Pastor James Baker, Jr.