Word for the day "Your struggle is worth it"


Genesis 3:16 (NKJV) To the woman He (God) said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain, you shall bring forth children.

Often our struggles are giving birth to necessary elements of our personal and spiritual development.

Have you ever noticed at birth every child who enters the world does so by pushing against its mother to forge an independent identity?

Growth always takes place against something, and spiritual growth is no different. It takes place in a world opposed to God, and it happens among people who are apathetic, indifferent, and sometimes belligerent.

Those who follow God are always going against culture. This was true in the days of the patriarchs; it was true in the first century; it is true today, and it will remain true until Christ returns to rule the earth.

Before Jesus’ return to heaven, he spoke to his disciples. He didn’t motivate them with tales of adventure and excitement.

The Master didn’t send them off with a pep talk about positive thinking. Nor did he promise them early retirement in a warm and fuzzy community.

Our Lord sent them off with this ominous warning, “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves” (Matthew 10:16). Jesus protected them from future doubt, disappointment, and despair by preparing them for what was to come.

And he did so by teaching them the truth and warning them about persecution. Yes warning them about the necessary struggles they would encounter in a life living for Him.

These words were written to the Hebrew Christians so long ago, still, bring guidance and comfort for Christians today:

Don’t ever forget those early days when you first learned about Christ. Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering.

Sometimes you were exposed to public ridicule and were beaten, and sometimes you helped others who were suffering the same things.

You suffered along with those who were thrown into jail. When all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy.

You knew you had better things waiting for you in eternity. Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens.

Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised (Hebrews 10:32-36).

Point to ponder

If anyone reading today’s message and you are experiencing a time of great struggle. I am writing to you today, not to worry "Your struggle is worth it", and God’s got us so we are going to be alright. Have a marvelous day.

  • Do you feel at times you are going against a force of some kind?
  • Is it possible that your perception of your struggle is premature?
  • How do you make sense of your struggles in life?
  • How do you react or respond in times of struggle?
  • Is it plausible that your struggles are birthing something in you?

Special thanks!

Our Leadership team is especially thankful for those of you who provided financial donations and support in the month of June 2019 by partnering with us in efforts to advance the kingdom of God in this 21st century season: Special thanks to Ms. Annette Straker, Mr. David Straker, Mr. Kenneth Washington,  Ms. Darlene Simmons, Mrs. Denise Johnson,  Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Marguerite Williams,  Ms. Itholear Abbott, Mrs. Angela Harrison and Ms. Gertrude Scott.

Thank you for using the Word Cup devotionals brought to you through Grace and Truth Leadership. Why don’t you take the opportunity to write to us on our blog and let us know how we are doing in serving you, Great people.

We are a faith-based, donor-supported ministry. If you have been touched by these daily devotionals and would like to make a monthly pledge or a special gift of any amount, please use the link below to give as the Lord leads.

Follow me on Twitter @James Baker_jr as I endeavor to encourage and empower leaders of today and tomorrow!Kingdom Blessings,Pastor James Baker, Jr.



Word for the day "Update to the Amazing things that are happening"


Word for the day "Your rejection of God, can lead to your destruction"