Word for the day "Demonic control does not mean satanic ownership"


II Corinthians 2:11 (NIV) – For we are not ignorant of his [Satan’s] schemesWe generally agree that Christians are vulnerable to the enemy’s temptation, accusation and deception. But for some reason, we hesitate to admit that Christians can lose their freedom and can surrender to demonic influences. However, the evidence of Scripture is abundant and clear that believers who repeatedly succumb to Satan can come under bondage. If we are not mindful, we can live our lives repeating the same oppressive acts over and over again. Please pay close attention to what is at stake here!Demonic control does not mean satanic ownership. You have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb (1 Peter 1:17-19; Romans 8:35-39). Satan knows he can never own you again. But if he can deceive you into yielding control of your life to him in some way, he can neutralize your growth and your impact in the world for Christ. Now I am certain this message is for someone reading today, I need you to know ignorance is no excuse.Since we live in a world whose god is Satan, the possibility of being tempted, deceived and accused is continuous. If you allow his schemes to influence you, you can lose control to the degree that you have been deceived. If he can persuade you to believe a lie, he can control your life. Let’s stop the cycles of ignorance in spiritual matters! The term demon possessed never occurs in the Bible after the cross. We lack theological precision as to what demon possession constitutes in the church age. But don’t come to any conclusion that you can’t be affected by Satan. We are more a target than we are immune to his strategies. However, we have all have the sanctuary we need in Christ, and we have the armor of God to protect us. Point to ponder- Ignorance is no excuse in our civil laws, and ignorance is no excuse in our spiritual principles and laws either. Yes ignorance is bliss, so let’s be on our game. Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for the armor You have provided to protect we your people from Satan. Keep us aware of his (Satan) schemes today and help us resist him in the power and authority You provide. And we proclaim all the Glory belongs to You O God!Our Leadership team is especially thankful for those of you who provided financial donations and support in the month of March 2018 by partnering with us in efforts to advance the kingdom of God in this 21st century season: Special thanks to Mr. William Wilson, Ms. Annette Straker, Mr. David Straker, Mr. Kenneth Washington,  Ms. Yvonne Bazemore, Mrs. Cynthia Waiters-Artis, and Ms. Gertrude Scott. Why don’t you take the opportunity to write us on our blog and let us know how we are doing in serving you Great people, we’d love to hear from you!Follow me on Twitter @James Baker_jr as I endeavor to encourage and empower leaders of today and tomorrow!Kingdom Blessings,Pastor James Baker, Jr.



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