Word for the day "What are you looking for in life"?

Hebrews 11:10 (NKJV) He looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Abraham left his home, his family, and everything that was familiar and comfortable to him. God called, and he went. Verse 8 says that Abraham went out not even knowing where he was going! But then verse 10 reminds us why he was willing to go, although he did not know exactly where he was going, but he did know what he was looking for. What are you looking for in life?He was looking for a city that is built on a firm foundation. While Ur, the city where Abraham lived, had no such evident problem, Abraham had faith to see that any place or people that are not built on the solid foundation of God’s teaching and character are sure to sink. Abraham was following and looking for God! I think this message is worth writing about today- What are you looking for in life?So Abraham traded the emotional and physical stability of his hometown for the spiritual and eternal foundation of God’s will and working. He wanted, above all else, for his life to be built and shaped by God. I am following the pattern of Abraham in my life, how about you?Where is your faith? On what is your confidence resting? Do you trust in familiar surroundings, or your 401(k), or even your family or your security? Or are you looking to God and building your life on His Word and His leading each day?Point to ponder - Nothing is more solid than God’s promises. No one can build a city or shape a life like God can.Would like to thank one of our subscribers Ms.Vanessa Gaskins for her gift and contribution to the work and Ministry of Grace and Truth Leadership via Word Cup, partnership like yours Vanessa help to fund and support our Kingdom service around the world!Follow me on Twitter @Elder James Baker, as I endeavor to encourage and empower leaders of today and tomorrow!Kingdom Blessings, Pastor James Baker, Jr. Thank you for using the Word Cup devotionals brought to you through Grace and Truth Leadership on (Word press). We are a faith-based, donor-supported ministry. If you have been touched by these daily devotionals, and would like to make a monthly pledge or a special gift of any amount, please use the link below to give as the Lord leads. Thank you so much! http://www.tpgeneration.com/#!donate/cb8x


Word for the day "Time to take Action"


Word for the day "The Cross of Jesus"