Word for the day " Our Great God"

Proverbs 3:11-12 (NKJV) Despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: for whom the LORD loveth he correcteth.Do not despise, or make light of, the chastening hand of God in your life. As much as I rather not admit I need the correcting Hand of the Lord in my life! How about you?How does one make light of God’s correction, when it obviously feels so heavy? By not recognizing the Lord’s Hand in the trial, or by not confessing its benefit even when you may not understand it, or by not acknowledging your need for it when it comes.Sometimes God chastens and corrects us in order to circumvent worldly ambitions; at other times it may be in order to remove self-righteous pride, or self-sufficient delusions. Although you may not be walking in any known or gross sin at the moment, ask yourself this question: “have I no pride to destroy?!”It is because God is not weary of you that the Lord chastens you; so do not grow weary of God. You see, the child of God is never punished, because of Christ’s work on the cross (he took our punishment for us). However, the child of God is always corrected, because of Christ’s work on the cross — God will not give up His work of sanctification because Christ has made us eternally His.Point to ponder- God does not delight in your suffering, but the Lord does delight in you, through Christ, and so the Lord sends various ways of challenging you in order to shape and mold you into the image of Christ. Beloved believer, there is nothing virtuous or good about the challenges you are facing right now. But there is virtue and goodness in the One who sends it, and that’s our Great God!Kingdom Blessings,Pastor James Baker, Jr.


Word for the day "All the Glory goes to the Lord"


Word for the day " Are you feeling Powerless"