Word for the day "Ministry for those grieving"

Philemon 1:7 (NIV) Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.When someone you know is grieving, you want to express your love and concern. But, how do you know what to say? Sometimes there just aren't words. But it's important that you spend time with your friend or family member. What's as important as anything is just showing up.What do you say to someone who is suffering? Some people are gifted with words of wisdom. For such, one is profoundly grateful. But not all are gifted in that way. Be careful because some people blurt out things that don't really make sense. Remember there is always the Ministry of presence!Your words don't have to be wise. The heart that speaks is heard more than the words spoken. And if you can't think of anything to say, just say, "I can't think of anything to say. But I want you to know that we are with you in your grief." I have discovered people will really appreciate you and be strengthened when we just at times quietly show up.Not even the best of words can take away the pain. What words can do is testify that there is more than pain in our journey on earth to a new day. Of those things that are more, the greatest is love. Express your love familty of God and watch the Lord bring healing. I often contemplate how painfully tragic must be the death of a child or love one in the absence of love. Even as I have wrote this message there are some of you reading right now who are grieving the loss of your loved one, I send the power of love and the strength of God your way in this moment!Point to ponder- Sharing in someone's grief is no time to worry about your own discomfort and uncertainty about what to show. Believe that God will give you the words, the touch, the hug that will comfort. And you'll be glad you shared in the moment and gave strength to a hurting soul.In His Love,Pastor James Baker, Jr.


Word for the day " Faith to do the Impossible"


Word for the day "The priority of Being"