Word for the day "Ask the Lord of the things to come"

Isaiah 45:11 (KJV) Thus says the Lord, The Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: "Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; and concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.It has taken most of my life, my Christian life, to finally realize that if I want to know something from the Lord, then I just need to ask Him. Sounds kind of like a no-brainer, but for some reason, at times I can spend most of my time with the Lord dealing with my personal requests. I have prayed pretty much my whole life. I have prayed very specifically at times and I have prayed in the bigger picture at times, but I have always prayed. What I did not necessarily pray about, though, were of "things to come." I think many of us tend to pray about the “here and now” issues, or the things that we want "to come," not necessarily asking the Lord to reveal what He is doing "concerning the work of My hands."Why is this so important to understand? When I see verses that say to "ask" the Lord for something, then I know that must be His will. Today's verse even says, "you command Me." Instead of just focusing on the issues in our immediate life, let's ask the Lord about what He is doing down the road. I have been immensely blessed and have had huge increases in my own level of faith because I have learned to ask the Lord "of things to come" and have seen God answer through circumstances or situations that have come to pass. My role is to ask, then to pray for wisdom and discernment in how to go forth in what the Lord shows me. How about you man/woman of God?We need to know that the Lord is more than willing to reveal things to us, if we are seeking God with all of our hearts. As we grow in our walk with Christ, God will teach us His ways and mold our character into more of His image. When we spend time in the Lord’s Word, we begin to see how verses like (Isaiah 45:11) take on a completely new meaning to us personally. When the Holy Spirit impresses a verse upon your heart, take it to prayer and seek God in what He is saying to you. Maybe God wants to reveal something to you, maybe even "of things to come." You can start this kind of communication with the Lord today!Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit. Grace and Truth Ministries makes a difference for the kingdom of God by teaching and training believers how to be in God's Word, how to pray and how to walk with Jesus every day, have a great day.For His Glory,Pastor James Baker, Jr.


Word for the day "Ready to take you out"


Word for the day "Life can be perplexing"