Word for the day "Character Time"
Ephesians 2:10 (NKJV) For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.In my youth I struggled with deep feelings of inadequacy even though I was gifted in many ways. Inadequacy plus giftedness was a deadly combination. It kept me from discipline and repentance, and it left me feeling that I constantly had to perform. Do you think your performance should take you where you want to go in life?As for me, I could succeed and many times without a great deal of effort. I was in my own way a leader among friends, and in church I could knock the congregation out of the pews with my hard-driving songs singing with the choir. In school, I could get A's and B’s when I put my mind to it; plus I was a natural social person. Mixed reviews were out on whether I would be successful among family and friends. What did people say about you?But in those rootless early adult years, I soon discovered that I lacked what was necessary for real success-discipline and character. And real discipline and character are rooted in what we learn in the Bible, in the Old Testament stories, in the life of Christ, in the stories of the early years of the church found in the New Testament. Get grounded in the Word and you will develop Godly discipline and character. Just wanted to remind you today, what matters is What God has created you to be, and not what people think or say we are going to be! Have a learning and growing day!Power Quote- Booker T. Washington- "Character, not circumstance, makes the person."In His Service,Pastor James Baker, Jr.