Word for the day "Have to get my Focus right"
Hebrews3:1;12:2(NIV) The writer to the Hebrews called this 'fixing our thoughts' and 'fixing our eyes.' 'Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith'.Has it ever been easier or more convenient than now for a believer to lose focus on God? If the apostle Paul found himself 'greatly distressed' that Athens was 'full of idols' (Acts 17:16), what would he think after checking out today's culture? The Internet alone is overwhelming.A recent Wall Street Journal article quotes an Internet guru who plugged the word 'God' into a popular search engine. He received a number of responses remarkably close to the amount of sites listed for 'sex.' Yahoo Inc. lists thousands of sites devoted to religion and spirituality, compared with thousands about movies and hundreds about home and garden.And these figures are expanding exponentially. We are only a mouse click away from countless links, Web pages, and chat rooms, that define God, redefine our Lord, recast our Lord into our own image, or explain our Lord away altogether. I wonder has anyone noticed besides me?With all this at our fingertips, it's more important than ever to stay focused on the true God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We can't allow ourselves to be sidetracked by falsehoods or temptations that will prove destructive to our faith.The writer to the Hebrews called this 'fixing our thoughts' and 'fixing our eyes.' 'Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith' (Hebrews 3:1; 12:2).The old adage is true; the eyes are a window to the soul. So what things will your eyes let into your soul today? It's your call. You get to decide to be the strong, self-disciplined person you know you want to be, or let your eyes lead you to places that you know deep down you don't want to go. Focus.Point to ponder- My Cousin Elder Aaron Kelly was in my home in the Christ-Mas season, and he shared with me. Aaron told me the word Focus would prove to be the game changer for my life in the days ahead! Elder Kelly was clearly correct when I look at my life from that time to this time! I have to get my Focus Right. How about you?Kingdom Blessings,Pastor James Baker, Jr.