Word for the day "Break out of your Prison"
Psalm 142:7 (NLT) Bring me out of prison so I can thank you. The godly will crowd around me, for you are good to me.”I read the story of four inmates at the Greenville, Mississippi city jail were caught breaking back into their cells! And according to the district attorney, "It is entirely possible this wasn't the first time they've done this."The four apparently found a way for repeated access to the outside world. Yet according to the police chief, "They didn't seem interested in escaping, they just missed their amenities of life and went back to get them." This particular time, they returned to jail carrying a load of gin and marijuana. Ironically, these willing prisoners now face felony escape charges.Sometimes reality of life is stranger than fiction. How many of us have resolved to spend our days in prisons of our own making-prisons we are able to escape through personal change, but won't because the prison provides us a semblance of security? Do you find yourself in prison?If you find your life in a prison kind of situation. Look for help-first to God, but then to those God has put in your path-a trusted friend, pastor or counselor. This is great time of the year with the celebration of the Resurrection upon us!For Our King,Pastor James Baker, Jr.