Word for the day "How do you see Jesus"
Revelation 5:5 (NIV) Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”Today’s message is just to ask you a Significant question, what is your view of Jesus?The following observation by author Philip Yancey is well-worth meditating upon:"As I studied the life of Christ, one impression about Jesus struck me more forcefully than any other. We have tamed him. The Jesus I learned about as a child was sweet and inoffensive, the kind of person whose lap you'd want to climb on. Mister Rogers with a beard. Indeed, Jesus did have qualities of gentleness and compassion that attracted little children. Mister Rogers, however, he assuredly was not. Not even the Romans would have crucified Mister Rogers."How balanced is your view of Jesus? Have you come to the crucial conclusion that the Lord’s grace is bigger than anything we can possibly comprehend? And, I hope that conclusion doesn't come at the expense of our Lord’s strength. The biblical picture of Jesus is that of a tenderhearted lion. And conceptions that fall on either side of this picture are caricatures and incomplete.Point to ponder- Jesus can be gentle and all powerful at the same time, meaning we must have a balanced view of our Lord or we will miss significant aspects of our relationship with the Lord.In His Love,Pastor James Baker, Jr.