Word for the day "God has the final say"
Daniel 4:34 (NIV) And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honored him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation.To say that God is sovereign is simply to say that the Lord is the only ruler of everything and everyone. Many earthly sovereigns have existed in the history of the world, with unchecked authority over their particular kingdoms, for a period of time. But for each of them, the end of their reign was fast-approaching — for Julius Caesar there was Brutus, for Napoleon there was Waterloo, for others there was simply old age. And many of us have seen, and experienced the end of people you know corrupt and inauthentic leadership time!Here Nebuchadnezzar asserts, not only the sovereignty of the one true God, “the most High”—but he also honors a unique and all-but-unthinkable attribute of this Sovereign: his reign is endless! Not only will God live forever, but the Lord’s dominion is unending in its scope, its power, and its longevity. Emperors and pharaohs and dictators have all come and gone. Yet, God has never abdicated His throne.To think we are so impressed by the speculations of scholars, the power of politicians, or the influence of icons! While all the while God sits upon His eternal throne, and many of us hardly give the Lord a thought. May we consciously crown this God as the king of our generation, the ruler of our heart, the benevolent dictator of our lives.Point to ponder- Often we embrace the notion that earthly kingdoms and people of authority in our lives will have the final say in our lives: On our jobs, in our schools, in our health matters, in our financial matters etc. – But I am writing to remind you all that God has the final say and His Kingdom will never end!Kingdom Blessings,Pastor James Baker, Jr.