Word for the day "Follow the Light"
Psalm 119:105(KJV) Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my pathWe live in a world where the flip of a switch instantly lightens or darkens a room. The lamps in biblical times, on the other hand, burned brightly but required proper tending. If not cared for, they would become a dwindling flame. God's Word uses the metaphor of a lamp to teach us about guidance for our lives. And it provides the opportunity for some graphic applications of this teaching. In fact, I work in the utility industry and really see this life teaching and hopefully will make some impartation in today’s message!Earnestly seeking the clear teaching of God's Word allows the lamp to burn brightly, and enables us to stay on the path. When we fail to acknowledge our theological bias and limited perspective, the light lessens and our path becomes twisted. The lamp flickers when form replaces function and traditions push aside the commandments of God. The light dims when we stay away from God's Word and the fellowship of believers. It goes out when we serve another master, and that’s whatever replaces God in our lives.Sometimes we overlook the obvious: God's will is expressed by His Word. As a child, I didn't struggle with knowing my earthly father's will. He clearly expressed it to me. I learned early on that we lived together peacefully if I was quick to obey. Being a city kid, it made sense to help my father establish his kingdom (the family rules). The family rules help me know from basic learning that we reap what we sow. Yet I wonder how many Christians realize that what they are presently sowing in the kingdom of God is what they will reap for all eternity.God's will is revealed to us in His Word. There is no substitute for being "diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). The Bible is a light to your path towards the Lord and in this life!Prayer: Father, don't let anything enter my life today that would dim Your glorious light. I choose today in this moment to find my way by the light of Your Word. Help us always to find your light in the dark places of this life in Christ name, Amen!In His Service,Pastor James Baker, Jr.