Word for the day "Cash and Prizes"
Proverbs 14:12 (NKJV) There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.Most of us spend considerable time and energy searching for the cash and prizes of life, that is, whatever it is we think will bring lasting joy and satisfaction. We dream about it, sweat over it; even do without other smaller things in its pursuit. For we know once we have achieved, possessed, owned, romanced, or conquered the cash and prizes, our lives, once and for all, will be happy and fulfilling. This is true of most humans, not-just children wishing for what they don’t have.We desperately do not want to live our lives unloved, unknown, and feeling unalive. We search for meaning, pleasure, esteem, recognition, and freedom. These are not bad goals. The problem is how we try to achieve these goals, what path we take to attain them. We see the cash and prizes of life, and we are sure it will bring us happiness. It might be in a pile of money, in the heart of a future spouse, or, for that matter, anything that represents success in terms the world we live in understands.Take notice (Proverbs 14:12) addresses our quest for fulfillment: “There is a way that seems right to men, but in the end it leads to death,'' which includes perpetual longing, emptiness, and futility. The pursuit of cash and prizes has been not only a waste of time but also an utter embarrassment. You end up hating the person who attained the cash and prizes, even though you would rather not. You just can't stand the way she dances around the party.The “way that seems right to a man” might be called the broad path. It is full of all the pleasures of this world. Here you find money, sex, power, which promise happiness but deliver deep emptiness. What seems so certain to fulfill you turns out to be an illusion. In the end the price you pay is your soul.Point to ponder- God desires more for our lives. The Lord wants us to travel the narrow path, which brings fulfillment and meaning. The Bible tells us that those who follow this road must be committed to self-sacrifice, delayed gratification, responsibility, and integrity.In His Service,Pastor James Baker, Jr.