Word for the day "Nothing is too hard for God"

Genesis 18: 14 (NKJV) Is anything too hard for the LORD?Are you afraid to ask God to do big things in your life? Is your faith barren and worn? If so, it's time to abandon your doubts and reclaim your faith in God's promises at this point in your life. Today's message is especially for someone facing great impossibility in your life; our impossibilities are the opportunities for the Lord to do amazing things in our lives my sisters and brothers.Ours is a God of infinite possibilities. But sometimes, because of limited faith and limited understanding, we wrongly assume that God cannot or will not intervene in the affairs of mankind. Such conjecture and assumptions are simply wrong. It's time to rethink our view of God in this season of our lives.God's Holy Word and reading today makes it clear: absolutely nothing is impossible for the Lord. And since the Bible means what it says, you can be comforted in the knowledge that the Creator of the universe can do miraculous things in your own life and in the lives of your loved ones. Your challenge, as a believer, is to take God at His word, and to expect the miraculous and the amazing in your life. Healing is available, education is available, finances will be available, and restoration is all available when God steps into our impossible situation.Quote E. Stanley Jones "If we take God's program, we can have God's power-not otherwise."Prayer- Divine God, nothing is impossible for You-keep us (me) always mindful of Your strength. When we lose hope, give us divine faith; when others lose hope, let me tell them of Your glory and Your works. Today, Lord, let us expect the miraculous, and amazing as we place our trust in You, In Jesus name, Amen.Kingdom Blessings,Pastor James Baker,Jr.


Word for the day "What is Truth"


Word for the day "Prayer still works"