Word for the day "In- spite of, I am Thankful"

Psalm 42:11 (NLT) Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!Consider with me today this short summary of my life, the life of one man who knows the importance of a thankful heart: In 2012, I prayed and felt compelled to begin a Ministry. I started out with people aligning with me and saying they were with me to do some Kingdom business. I started having services in my home in 2013. In 2014, many of the people who aligned with me 2012 have gone, and there is a remnant left with me as I still endeavor to do Kingdom for God through the conduit of Ministry. Keep reading family!As we are now in the close 2014, I am still committed to doing Kingdom Ministry for the Lord and am doing so in various ways of which I had never considered, via kingdom in educational facilities, kingdom in marketplace initiatives, kingdom teaching seminars, and etc. Although I am not doing Ministry in the Conventional manner: a Church building. I am thankful my commitment in God has not wavered, and my commitment to serving people is just as fervent or even more passionate as we near the close of the year 2014. How about you and your life? Do you have In-spite of situations?In-spite of my plans, and differences with some people (Even losing some relationships along the way), and things not working out according to my initial goals. In this season of thanksgiving, I am incredibly grateful for what the Lord is doing in my life in my Kingdom efforts. Whoever you are today reading this message don’t allow your thought of failings, your sorrows, your depression, your disappointments, cause you to be discouraged. When you commit your life to God, he gives you Power to triumph over it all (Psalm 41:11)!Point to ponder- Chose to express gratitude to God and lead a nation to do the same. Notice I said "A Nation", because when you commit to God, It’s always greater than you! I am living witness to this end.What's your "In-spite of in this season of your life?" It doesn't matter what it is: hurt, pain, sorrow, depression, loss, disappointments, or anything else. You can choose to have a thankful spirit. Love you all in this Thanksgiving season, and remember these next days in the close of this year are really important to your life in God!Kingdom Love,Pastor James Baker, Jr.


Word for the day "When our steps our directed by the Lord"


Word for the day "It's the Lord's timing"