Word for the day " Real Celebration in God"
Exodus 32: 15-16 (MSG) Moses turned around and came down from the mountain, carrying the two tablets of The Testimony. The tablets were written on both sides, front and back. God made the tablets and God wrote the tablets—engraved them.17 When Joshua heard the sound of the people shouting noisily, he said to Moses, “That’s the sound of war in the camp!”18 But Moses said, Those aren’t songs of victory, And those aren’t songs of defeat, I hear songs of people throwing a party. 19-20 And that’s what it was.Wherever the love of God's Word has been restored and repentance has resulted, there will always come forth a mighty wave of joy and celebration. But there is a kind of or (form of joy), phony joy and false celebration in the land today: It is the celebration of self and idolatry, the dancing around the golden calf kind of joy! We need great discernment to know the difference between the true joy of repentance and the false rejoicing of idolaters. Today’s message is just remind you, we must always be on our game when it comes to the things of God!Moses and Joshua came down from the mount to a great shout in the camp: “It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery (in triumph), but the noise of them that sing do I hear” (Exodus 32:18). They were shouting, singing, and dancing and Moses knew all along it was of the flesh. He knew they were a stiff-necked, rebellious people, full of lust, fornication, nudity, and sensuality. It was the shout of idolatry! This message is for leaders, and leaders in the making pay close attention.Can you tell the difference? If there is no preaching of the Word of God to convict us of sin, if there is no weeping or faces on the ground, if there is no love of God’s reproving Word, no repentance. Then there is more than likely no spiritual shout, no godly song! Be careful! You may get caught up in the song of idolatry. We love good singing but are not able to discern when the anointing of God is present, and it's the anointing that’s what destroys yokes, and sets captives’ free! Sometimes we get stuck and it's good to know how to be released and continue the journey with God.Point to ponder - Why was there such great happiness, such a festive spirit of joy in the revival recorded in Nehemiah? “Because they had understood the words that were declared unto them” (Nehemiah 8:12). In other words, they discerned and took it to heart; they obeyed the Lord our God!Advancing His Kingdom,James