Word for the day "Time to Respond, Be Still"

Exodus 14:13-14(NIV) Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.Trapped against the Red sea, the Israelites watched in terror as the Egyptians advanced in hot pursuit of them. And it was Moses alone who remained calm and encouraged the people not to be afraid. He challenged them to be still and allow the Lord to fight for them. We who are the leaders of our families, churches, schools, workplaces and communities, really need to read today’s message of empowerment!As we raise our children, we, too, will be faced with panic-producing situations. If we do not have a solid foundation of Godly Faith. We may be overcome with fear and tempted to act irrationally. Instead, the Lord asks us to pause and seek his guidance in all our affairs, even the raising of our children. God reminds us the battle is His, in this reading passage of Exodus.Obviously, this requires us to depend on God's wisdom instead of our own. I am learning every day in different aspects of my life to depend on the Lord and His Divine Word! Do you depend on the Lord? Do you depend of the Lord for your children, mentees, and those in your sphere of influence?Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to be still; I know it is for me. When faced with difficult parental, and leadership situations, seek God's guidance before you react. When you seek God’s guidance you no longer react but you Respond to whatever situation or matter you are facing in your life.Advancing His Kingdom,Pastor James Baker, Jr.


Word for the day "It's Kingdom Time"


Word for the day "Time for Prayer"