Word for the day "Walking the Talk"

Galatians 6:9 (NLT) So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.If you are like most people, you seek the admiration of others; your neighbors, your coworkers, and your family members. But the eagerness to please others should never overshadow your eagerness to please God. And your desire to impress others should never cause you to compromise your beliefs or to ignore your conscience. In other words applied knowledge is power; you must be a “doer of the word”. Are you walking your talk of love, grace, peace, mercy and joy?Each new day presents countless opportunities to put God in proper perspective, or not. When you honor the Lord by living according to His commandments, you are afforded the abundance and peace that the Lord promises. But, if you ignore God’s teachings, you’ll pay a price, perhaps a very great price indeed. (Indeed I am a living witness in this matter)Would you like a time-tested formula for successful living? Here it is: Don’t just listen to God’s Word, live by it. Does this sound too simple? Perhaps it is simple, but it is also the only way to reap the marvelous riches that God has in store for your life.Point to Ponder: Ask yourself if your behavior has been radically changed by your unfolding relationship with God. If the answer to this question is unclear to you, or if the honest answer is a resounding no; think of a single step you can take, a positive change in your life, that will bring you closer to the Lord our God.Quote Kay Arthur “Although God causes all things to work together for good for His children, He still holds us accountable for our behavior”.With my Heart,Pastor James Baker


Word for the day "The Encounter of Hurt"


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