Word for the day "Who me Peer Pressure"

Proverbs 13:20 (NKJV) He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.Peer pressure can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending upon your peers. If your peers encourage you to make integrity a priority, and if they encourage you to follow God’s will and to obey His commandments—then you will experience positive peer pressure, and that’s a great thing. But, if you are involved with people who encourage you to do foolish things, you are facing a different kind of peer pressure, and you’d better beware. (My Mom Shirley Baker would say “Tell me the company you keep and I tell you who you are” read quote below) When you feel pressured to do things, or to say things, that lead you away from God, you are heading straight for trouble.Are you satisfied to follow that crowd? If so, you may pay some serious consequences unless you have picked the right peer group. And while you are deciding whom to follow, be sure you’re determined to follow the One from Galilee, too. And yes His name is Jesus, and He will guide your steps and bless your undertakings if you let Him. Your challenge, of course, is to let Him.To sum it up, here’s your choice: you can choose to please God first (and by doing so, strengthen your character), or you can fall prey to peer pressure. The choice is yours, and so are the consequences. When you are torn between trusting your peers and trusting your conscience, trust your conscience. Today’s message is especially for parents, youth and young adults, mentors, teachers, Spiritual leaders!Quote: Miguel de Cervantes- “Tell me what company you keep, and I’ll tell you what you are.”All Sincerity,Pastor James Baker


Word for the day "Faith expressing itself in Love"


Word for the day "Seeing the Glory"