Word for the day "Can these Bones lives"?

Ezekiel 37: 3 (ESV) And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord GOD, you know.”Let’s consider more about dry bones? Today’s passage presents a penetrating question. And I believe the Lord is asking the same of us today: “Can the dry bones in your situation come to life? Can your rebellious child be revived? Can your unsaved loved ones be brought to Christ?” I believe dry bones can live again people of God!It is a question of faith: “Do you believe this can happen?” It is also a question of desire: “Do you want this to happen? Are you grieved by the dry bones in your life?” If your answer to this question is no, perhaps this is a sign of dryness, or even a lack of spiritual passion (unction) over the dark condition of the world.Here was Ezekiel’s answer: “O Lord God, you know” (37:3). This was a response of trust: “Lord, only You know these things. You have given me a vision of a horrific death. Are You saying that these bones can live? Is it really possible?” The very question had energized Ezekiel’s faith. It was what God was waiting to hear, and the Lord does the same with us to stimulate our faith.“Then (Lord) said to me, ‘Prophesy over these dry bones’” (37:4). Once our faith is engaged, once we have waited on God and He has stirred our faith, God calls us to action! The Lord asks us to “prophesy”—that is, to address our dry bones situation in faith. We are to speak life into our families, believing that God empowers our words. We are to speak life on our jobs, knowing that the Lord holds us in His hand no matter how dark the environment. To do this, God must breathe His life into our being: “I will . . . put breath in you, and you shall live” (37:6).God did just that for Ezekiel. The prophet testifies, “So I prophesied as I was commanded” (37:7). Can you say this about your walk with God? “I spoke blessings and peace into people’s lives. I also said difficult things. I said everything the Lord wanted me to say, and through it all I knew God was with me.” That is the power of the proclamation of the gospel.What happened when Ezekiel prophesied in faith? “There was a sound, and behold, a rattling” (37:7). The word “sound” here echoes Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit breathed new life into the disciples at Pentecost. Ezekiel witnessed something similar, as suddenly all the dry bones on the valley floor were animated, filled with life. They came together to form living bodies: “I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord” (37:6).God is Amazing,Pastor James Baker


Word for the day "Waiting on God's timing"


Word for the day " God is near"