Word for the day "Character building Time"
Zechariah 4:6 (MSG) Then he said, “This is GOD’s Message to Zerubbabel: ‘You can’t force these things. They only come about through my Spirit,’ says GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies. ‘So, big mountain, who do you think you are? Next to Zerubbabel you’re nothing but a molehill. He’ll proceed to set the Cornerstone in place, accompanied by cheers: Yes! Yes! Do it!’”Embracing life means embracing all of it, including the people who make it difficult. We can call these folks “character builders.” You may hate the fact they are in your life, but without them you would never come close to what God has planned for you. These people that are so tough are actually a gift from the Lord. Now this means we have to reorient our thinking to recognize this imperative principle called “Character builders”If you are like me, you can probably look at the character you have developed and see it didn’t get there from people being nice to you. It’s there because of some very tough treatment by people who didn’t have your best interest in mind. Now this is the God honest truth family of God!Remember the story of David and Goliath (I Samuel 17)? If David had taken on a third grader do you really think we’d have heard much about it. Or how about Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6)? If it were a den of hamsters no one would be talking about that today! The greater the challenge the more God can do with it. It is difficult things and people that make up the stories of our lives in a way that brings honor to God. The reality of the Christ-Mas story happened at very challenging time in our history for those who were socially, economically, and politically marginalized, disenfranchised, and down trodden (Luke 2:1-11). Yet at this most difficult time in history, an amazing occurrence took place with the birth of Jesus that would and still is transforming the lives of all people (Luke 2:10). Have a marvelous day great family of God.Happy Holy-DaysPastor James