Word for the day "Prayer for Courage for those Discouraged"
Lord, we pray that You would bring relief when we are overwhelmed with the ever-rising tide of discouragement. Grant deliverance for those of us who are caught in discouragement at this time. Encourage our hearts as we face those depressing, dark moments that leave us feeling hopeless and believing the lie that things will never change. Divine Father, give us hope beyond the heartbreaks and heartaches we experience. We cling to the inspired words of the apostle Peter that if we humble ourselves before the mighty hand of God, You will lift us up. You will exalt us at the proper time ( I Peter 5:6). Discouragement keeps us humble, we confess, for we are never discouraged and thinking too high of ourselves at the same time.In humility, Lord, we call upon You as Your children. We ask You to lift our spirits by transforming our minds. Strengthen us to see the value of dwelling on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report(Philippians 4:8). Help us to fix our minds on heavenly things rather than on those earthly things that debilitate us.We also pray for those weary souls who have never met Your Son as Savior. How do they ever make it through the day? We ask that their burden of discouragement be lifted by the realization that Jesus's death on the cross paid the complete price for their sins. Help them see past their pain to the reality that there is nothing they need to do or promise or change or give up or become; in order to be accepted by You. Help them to trust in Your Son. May they do so right now in the name of Jesus!To him who is able to keep you from falling and to bring you faultless and joyful before his glorious presence, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority, from all ages past, and now, and forever and ever! Amen (Jude 1:24-25 GNT). In His great name we pray. Amen!!