Word for the day "It's Time to be Accountable"
Galatians 6:4 (HCSB) But each person should examine his own work, and then he will have a reason for boasting in himself alone, and not in respect to someone else. 5 For each person will have to carry his own load.Sisters and brothers, I feel the need to share a powerful reality; we humans are masters at passing the blame. Why? Because passing the blame is easier than fixing, and criticizing others is so much easier than improving ourselves. So instead of solving our problems legitimately (by doing the work required to solve them), we are inclined to be timid, to blame, and to criticize, while doing little or nothing else. When we do, our problems, quite predictably, remain unsolved.Whether you like it or not, you (and only you) are accountable for your actions. But because you are human, you will be eagerly tempted to pass the blame. Avoid that temptation at all costs, please sisters and brothers! Just do the work necessary and we all will be better for it. Are you ready to be accountable?Problem-solving builds character. Every time you dare to look squarely into the face of Old Man Trouble, you’ll strengthen not only your backbone but also your spirit man. So, instead of looking for someone to blame, look for something to fix, and then get busy fixing it. And as you consider your own situation, remember this: God has a way of helping those who help themselves, but He doesn’t spend much time helping those who don’t.Quote: Charles Stanley “Generally speaking, accountability is a willingness to share our activities, conduct, and fulfillment of assigned responsibilities with others.”Quote: Chuck Colson “Though I know intellectually how vulnerable I am to pride and power, I am the last one to know when I succumb to their seduction. That’s why spiritual Lone Rangers are so dangerous — and why we must depend on trusted brothers and sisters who love us enough to tell us the truth.”Prayer: Lord, please help we your children to examine ourselves and take care of the things that we are accountable for. Help us to make every effort to do the things we are responsible for with excellence. In Christ name, Amen.