Word for the day: " Praise is what I do"
Psalm 9:1-2 (NCV) “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart. I will tell all the miracles you have done. I will be happy because of you; God Most High, I will sing praises to your name.”If you ever would like to strengthen your character, try spending more time praising God. So when, is the best time to praise God? The best time to praise God is all day, every day, to the greatest extent we can, with thanksgiving in our hearts. When things are good and even when things are tough!Too many of us, even well-intentioned people of God, have a tendency to “compartmentalize” our time and praise for our God. Worship and praise should be regular practice into the daily aspects of everything we do; it should never be relegated to a weekly three-hour visit to church on Sunday morning. And some of us have a difficult time doing that if the truth is told!Praise is what I do sisters and brothers, and the only reason I am writing these devotions today and on a daily basis is because of the Great praise that rest in the city of my soul! Have a great day and just keep praising our God!Quote: Max Lucado “Praise opens the window of our hearts, preparing us to walk more closely with God. Prayer raises the window of our spirit, enabling us to listen more clearly to the Father.”