Word for the day "The pattern of Service"
John 13:15 (MSG) So if I, the Master and Teacher, washed your feet, you must now wash each other’s feet. I’ve laid down a pattern for you. What I’ve done, you do.The 21st century world and even folks in the church are often seen as ones that glorifies power, prestige, celebrity status, and money. But the words of Jesus teaches us that the most honorable men and women are not the widely acclaimed leaders of society; the most esteemed among us are the humble servants of society.Dietrich Bonheoffer was correct when he observed, “It is very easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements in comparison with what we owe others.” In other words, reality breeds humility; and humility should breed service. Service to humankind is what I mean not service to promote our own agenda’s and grandiosity.Every single day of your life, including this one, God will give you opportunities to serve Him by serving other people. Welcome those opportunities with open arms. Always be willing to pitch in and make the world a better place, and be mindful of the temptation to keep all your blessings to yourself. Apostle Paul said in Acts 20:35” It’s better to give than receive”Character-building is developed in Service experience: the more you serve, the more you grow. So, as you go about your daily routines, look for opportunities to serve others. Have a great weekend and Serve others like your life depends on it!