Word for the day "The Power of Silence"

I Peter 2: (GNT)  15 For God wants you to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people by the good things you do.Can you remember a time when you said something that hurt someone, or someone said something that hurt you? Have you ever hung up the phone or left a conversation and felt like you said too much? Have you ever wished you could take back something you said? We often learn the hard way that words can cause pain and create problems. One way to refine your use of words is by routinely practicing the discipline of silence.Take a day to reflect on the conversations you have with others. Spend some time in silence to reflect on how you’ve used and abused words. Do you use words to justify, represent falsely, deceive, exaggerate, or manipulate? In silence you’ll remember the words you spoke quickly in anger and slowly in apology, arrogantly in accusation and humbly in confes­sion. In silence you’ll begin to hear and you’ll begin to experience God’s renewal.Then you can begin to make changes where necessary. People recovering from heart attacks are often counseled to bring quiet into their lives by speaking less often and more slowly when they do speak. Such discipline has been proven to reduce stress and ease tension in our lives. And most importantly it can help you use your words in ways that encourage others and please God.Quote: It’s not always what’s said that’s important in a conversation; just as important is what’s not said in a conversation.  – James Baker Jr.


Word for the day "Double for your Trouble"


Word for the day "Don't be a Stumbling block for me"