Word for the day "Koinonia-We need each Other"
James 3:17-18 (MSG) Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.Sisters and brothers let's not even try to pretend it's easy. Or that we should simply press through, or shake it off, move on, or “let it slide.” Perhaps, if we can just allow ourselves to set aside those immature feelings, we can get to the other side in one piece. Because being alone in emotional pain can hurt and I mean really hurts. That’s the bottom line of today’s message is we need each other desperately!Here's the thing: there are no perfect people. Not even in community. We all are imperfect people, yet we find a way to worship together, and we serve together, We share recipes and eat out together, go to the mall together, and share private things together. We all have experience of feeling completely alone in a crowd. But when another is humanly present to us, we are deeply aware of it.We help each other move, and we pick up each other's children from school. We share our dreams and we confess our failures. We go to the emergency room with each other. The church today has already moved into the position of listening now; I know not all churches. But certainly in enough situations to such a degree we are in the church beginning to gather new evidence and new understanding as to how we might educate toward community in our time.Koinonia: Greek word for sharing, community, together dependence.Quote: Maria Harris –The communion of saints also binds us to the future. The prophetic impulse involves living fully in the present out of our responsibility to the future, to our children and children’s children.